مرحبا بكم فى موقعكم التعليمى مفيدا ومستفيدا

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مرحبا بكم فى موقعكم التعليمى مفيدا ومستفيدا
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعلم معى بالتمرين خطوة خطوة -2

اذهب الى الأسفل

تعلم معى بالتمرين خطوة خطوة -2 Empty تعلم معى بالتمرين خطوة خطوة -2

مُساهمة من طرف sayed الخميس أكتوبر 20, 2011 12:08 am

تحويل اي حرف إلى حرف ASCII
*كود برمجي*

Dim temp as String
MsgBox temp

تحيه حسب الوقت
*كود برمجي*


Private Sub Form_Load()

If Time <= "11:30 AM" Then
MsgBox ("Good Morning YourNameHere!")
End If

If Time > "11:30 AM" And Time < "5:00 PM" Then
MsgBox ("Good Afternoon YourNameHere!")
End If

If Time > "5:00 PM" Then
MsgBox ("Good Evening YourNameHere!")
End If

If Time >= "12:01 AM" Then
MsgBox ("Good Morning YourNameHere!")
End If
End Sub

نوعية القرص (قرص مرن،سي دي،.....)
*كود برمجي*

Declare Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal nDrive As String) As Long
Public Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5
Public Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3
Public Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6
Public Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4
Public Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2

Dim strDrive As String
Dim strMessage As String
Dim intCnt As Integer

For intCnt = 65 To 86
strDrive = Chr(intCnt)

Select Case GetDriveType(strDrive + ":")
rtn = "Floppy Drive"
rtn = "Hard Drive"
rtn = "Network Drive"
rtn = "CD-ROM Drive"
rtn = "RAM Disk"
Case Else
rtn = ""
End Select

If rtn <> "" Then
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & "Drive " & strDrive & " is type: " & rtn
End If
Next intCnt
MsgBox (strMessage)

مؤثر على الفورم
*كود برمجي*

Public Sub Pause(Duration As Long)
'//i didn't write this so i can't docume
' nt it
Dim Current As Long
Current = Timer

Do Until Timer - Current >= Duration

End Sub

Public Sub SlideRight(FirstForm As Form, SecondForm As Form)
'//the second form is the one that does
' the transition
SecondForm.Show '//show the form
SecondForm.Top = FirstForm.Top '//make the .Top equal for both form
SecondForm.Height = FirstForm.Height '//make the .Height equal
SecondForm.Width = FirstForm.Width '//make the .Width equal
SecondForm.Left = SecondForm.Width * -1 '//make .Left negative

Do Until SecondForm.Left = 0
'//do the loop until the form is all the
' way to the right
SecondForm.Left = SecondForm.Left + 15 '//add 15 (duh)
Pause 0.3 '//pause
End Sub

Public Sub SlideDown(FirstForm As Form, SecondForm As Form)
'//the second form is the one that does
' the transition
SecondForm.Show '//show the form
SecondForm.Top = FirstForm.Height * -1 'make .Top negative
SecondForm.Height = FirstForm.Height '//make the .Height equal
SecondForm.Width = FirstForm.Width '//make the .Width equal
SecondForm.Left = FirstForm.Left '//make the .Left equal

Do Until SecondForm.Top = 0
'//do the loop until the form is all the
' way to the bottom
SecondForm.Top = SecondForm.Top + 15
Pause 0.3
End Sub

Public Sub SlideLeft(FirstForm As Form, SecondForm As Form)
'//the second form is the one that does
' the transition
SecondForm.Top = FirstForm.Top
SecondForm.Height = FirstForm.Height
SecondForm.Width = FirstForm.Width
SecondForm.Left = FirstForm.Width '//put on right side of screen

Do Until SecondForm.Left = 0
SecondForm.Left = SecondForm.Left - 15
Pause 0.3
End Sub

Public Sub SlideUp(FirstForm As Form, SecondForm As Form)
'//the second form is the one that does
' the transition
SecondForm.Top = FirstForm.Height '//put form to bottom of screen
SecondForm.Height = FirstForm.Height
SecondForm.Width = FirstForm.Width
SecondForm.Left = FirstForm.Left

Do Until SecondForm.Top = 0
SecondForm.Top = SecondForm.Top - 15
Pause 0.3
End Sub

فورم دائري
*كود برمجي*

Sub formcircle (frm As Form, Size As Integer)

For e% = Size% - 1 To 0 Step -1
frm.Left = frm.Left - e%
frm.Top = frm.Top + (Size% - e%)
Next e%

For e% = Size% - 1 To 0 Step -1
frm.Left = frm.Left + (Size% - e%)
frm.Top = frm.Top + e%
Next e%

For e% = Size% - 1 To 0 Step -1
frm.Left = frm.Left + e%
frm.Top = frm.Top - (Size% - e%)
Next e%

For e% = Size% - 1 To 0 Step -1
frm.Left = frm.Left - (Size% - e%)
frm.Top = frm.Top - e%
Next e%
End Sub

تنزيل ملف من الانترنت
*كود برمجي*

Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _
"URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, _
ByVal szURL As String, _
ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, _
ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

Public Function DownloadFile(URL As String, _
LocalFilename As String) As Boolean
Dim lngRetVal As Long
lngRetVal = URLDownloadToFile(0, URL, LocalFilename, 0, 0)
If lngRetVal = 0 Then DownloadFile = True
End Function

G = DownloadFile("UrlOfTheFileToDownload", "c:\windows\desktop\FileName.htm")

أسماء المجلدات الرئيسية والفرعية في قائمة
*كود برمجي*

Sub Listdir(path)
Dim d(1000)
Dir1.path = path

For lop = 0 To Dir1.ListCount - 1
d(cnt) = Dir1.List(lop)
cnt = cnt + 1
Next lop

For lop = 0 To cnt - 1
List1.AddItem d(lop)
cur_depth = cur_depth + 1
listdir d(lop)
Next lop
cur_depth = curr_depth - 1
End Sub

Listdir(اسم المجلد)

كلام متحرك في TITLEBAR
*كود برمجي*

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
If Val(Timer1.Tag) < Val(Timer1.Tag) - 1 Then Timer1.Tag = 0
Me.Caption = Right(Text1.Text, Len(Text1.Text) - Val(Timer1.Tag))
Timer1.Tag = Val(Timer1.Tag) + 1

If Me.Caption = "" Then
If Val(Timer1.Tag) > Val(Timer1.Tag) - 1 Then Timer1.Tag = 0
Me.Caption = Left(Text1.Text, Len(Text1.Text) - Val(Timer1.Tag))
Timer1.Tag = Val(Timer1.Tag) + 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

فتح وغلق سواقة الأقراص
*كود برمجي*

Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" _
Alias "mciSendStringA" _
(ByVal lpstrCommand As String, _
ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, _
ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _
ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

Public Sub EjectCD()
Call mciSendString("set CDAudio Door Open Wait", 0&, 0&, 0&)
bopen = True
End Sub

Public Sub CloseCD()
Call mciSendString("set CDAudio Door Closed Wait", 0&, 0&, 0&)
bopen = False
End Sub

'لفتح السواقة EjectCD
'لغلق السواقة CloseCD

مؤثر حلو على الفورم
*كود برمجي*

Function Dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) As Single
Dim A As Single, B As Single
A = (x2 - y1) * (x2 - x1)
B = (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)
Dist = Sqr(A + B)
End Function
Sub MoveIt(A, B, t)
A = (1 - t) * A + t * B
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()
Dim t As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single
Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single
Dim y3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single

Scale (-320, 200)-(320, -200)
t = 0.05
x1 = -320: y1 = 200
x2 = 320: y2 = 200
x3 = 320: y3 = -200
x4 = -320: y4 = -200
Do Until Dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) < 10
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
Line -(x3, y3)
Line -(x4, y4)
Line -(x1, y1)
MoveIt x1, x2, t
MoveIt y1, y2, t
MoveIt x2, x3, t
MoveIt y2, y3, t
MoveIt x3, x4, t
MoveIt y3, y4, t
MoveIt x4, x1, t
MoveIt y4, y1, t
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim t As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single
Dim x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single
Dim y3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single

Scale (-320, 200)-(320, -200)
t = 0.05
x1 = -320: y1 = 200
x2 = 320: y2 = 200
x3 = 320: y3 = -200
x4 = -320: y4 = -200
Do Until Dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) < 10
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
Line -(x3, y3)
Line -(x4, y4)
Line -(x1, y1)
MoveIt x1, x2, t
MoveIt y1, y2, t
MoveIt x2, x3, t
MoveIt y2, y3, t
MoveIt x3, x4, t
MoveIt y3, y4, t
MoveIt x4, x1, t
MoveIt y4, y1, t
End Sub
اجعل برنامجك فوق الجميع always on top
*كود برمجي*

Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, _
ByVal Y As Long, ByVal CX As Long, ByVal CY As Long, _
ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = 2
Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = 1
Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
Private Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2

Public Sub SetOnTop(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal bSetOnTop As Boolean)
Dim lR As Long
If bSetOnTop Then
lR = SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
lR = SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
SetOnTop Form1.hwnd, True
End Sub


هذا الكود لمنع تشغيل أكثر من نسخة من برنامجك
*كود برمجي*

Private Sub Form_Load()
If App.PrevInstance = True Then
MsgBox "لا يمكن تشغيل أكثر من نسخة من البرنامج"
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

بمجرد الكتابة في مربع النص يتم تحديد العنصر المطابق في صندوق القائمة Autocomplete
*كود برمجي*

'أضف مربعي نص وقائمة(لست بوكس)

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Integer, _
ByVal wParam As Integer, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
List1.AddItem "abcd": List1.AddItem "acbd"
List1.AddItem "bcde": List1.AddItem "bdef"
List1.AddItem "cdef": List1.AddItem "cfde"
Text1.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
List1.ListIndex = SendMessage(List1.hWnd, LB_FINDSTRING, -1, ByVal Text1.Text)
End Sub

أيضا يمكنك باستخدام الكود التالي معرفة عدد الكلمات في مربع النص
*كود برمجي*


Public Function GetWordCount(ByVal Text As String) As Long
Text = Trim(Replace(Text, "-" & vbNewLine, ""))
'Replace new lines with a single space
Text = Trim(Replace(Text, vbNewLine, " "))
'Collapse multiple spaces into one single space
Do While Text Like "* *"
Text = Replace(Text, " ", " ")
'Split the string and return counted words
GetWordCount = 1 + UBound(Split(Text, " "))
End Function

تعتبر هذه الدالة مهمة جدا وسهلة الاستخدام لمعرفة الفرق بيت توقيتين محددين ( تاريخ أو وقت)
*كود برمجي*

diff= DateDiff("d", "22/1/2001", "22/1/2002")

تأجيل تنفيذ الكود لفترة معينة
*كود برمجي*

Public Sub Delay(HowLong As Date)
TempTime = DateAdd("s", HowLong, Now)
While TempTime > Now
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Delay 5
MsgBox "test"
End Sub

عدد المساهمات : 190
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/10/2011
العمر : 69
الموقع : computer.hooxs.com


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى